We set out to create authentic, one-of-a-kind wallpapers that are recognized not only for their unique design and creative truth but also for their premium quality. When you purchase wallpaper that bears the Complex Flavors mark, you can be confident in your decision to own a piece of luxury décor that lasts, especially when treated with proper care.
Each type of wallpaper comes with detailed care instructions to help you maintain its beauty and longevity. Follow these guidelines to protect your wallpaper from dust, light, and moisture, as well as to prevent the risk of stains or damage. With proper care, your walls will remain stylish and elegant for years to come.
Peel and Stick Wallpaper
Dust Regularly: Use a soft, dry cloth or a duster to gently remove dust and debris from the surface.
Clean with Mild Soap: For any stains or marks, use a damp cloth with a small amount of mild soap. Gently wipe the area, being careful not to saturate the wallpaper.
Avoid Abrasive Cleaners: Do not use harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or scrubbing pads as they can damage the adhesive and surface of the wallpaper.
Dry Immediately: After cleaning, dry the area with a soft cloth to prevent water from seeping into the edges.
Vinyl Wallpaper
Dust Regularly: Use a soft, dry cloth or a vacuum with a brush attachment to remove dust.
Washable Surface: Vinyl wallpaper is generally washable. Use a soft cloth or sponge with a mixture of mild soap and water to clean the surface.
Rinse and Dry: After cleaning, use a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue. Dry the area immediately with a soft cloth.
Avoid Harsh Cleaners: Do not use abrasive cleaners or tools that can scratch or damage the vinyl surface.